Nicole Williams

PhD in Leadership and Change student Nicole Williams is helping to address food justice in Philadelphia. Williams is the co-managing director of the Mt. Airy Community Fridge and Pantry The…

Will Stollsteimer

Will Stollsteimer, a student in New England’s MS in Environmental Studies program, was recently featured in the article “Upon Leaving the Nest Keene’s Will Stollsteimer Rediscovered a Passion for Birding”…

Huijun “Nikki” Li

Huijun “Nikki” Li, a current Dance and Movement Therapy student in New England, was selected to participate in Circle of Security training sponsored by the Boston Public Health Commission. She…

Clara Fang

Clara Fang, PhD candidate in Environmental Studies in New England, was a co-author of a recent report, Centering Equity in Climate Resilience Planning and Action: a Practitioner’s Guide that was…

Huijun “Nikki” Li

Huijun “Nikki” Li, a current Dance and Movement Therapy student in New England, successfully hosted a sold-out workshop event, Dance for Connection, which explored physical connection and kinesthetic empathy through creative…

Lynn Horan

PhD in Leadership and Change student Lynn Horan will be presenting her research on the sacrificial scapegoating of female clergy at the Global Center for Religious Studies’ e-Conference on Religious…

Jessica Warrior

PhD in Leadership and Change student Jessica Warrior was recently a featured speaker on the IREM: From the Front Lines, a podcast series that highlights real estate business leaders and…

Bree Derrick

PhD in Leadership and Change student Bree Derrick was asked to speak at the Correctional Leaders’ Association (CLA) All Directors’ Symposium in San Antonio, Texas. CLA is the association for…

Ileya Grosman

PhD in Leadership and Change student Ileya Grosman has been selected as the lead photographer and co-creator of “Why We Work?”, an exploratory photo essay of dignity, work, purpose, and…

Maya Townsend

PhD in Leadership and Change student Maya Townsend, Founder and Lead Consultant of Partnering Resources, delivered the keynote address, “Centering Humans: A Call for Radical Humanity at Work” at the…