To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, we have gathered some of our favorite stories from Common Thread, the Seed Field Podcast, and the Antioch Alumni Magazine that showcase the unique voices,…
Coalition for the Common Good’s New Director of Education is Here to Learn
Recently, Sue Constable participated in the Antioch Doctor of Education program’s online residency. She was there in her new role as Executive Director of Education Programs for the Coalition for…
S7 E1: How Can Universities Support Democracy? With AW4D, Antioch Tries Many Ways
In May, Antioch University announced a robust set of democracy-promoting initiatives called Antioch Works for Democracy. Now, the effort’s six pillars are all in motion, from the announcement of twelve…
Gloria Steinem Has Hour-Long Conversation With Carol Jenkins as Part of AW4D
One of the first events of Antioch Works for Democracy 2024—a multi-month campaign of education and action to build a more just and inclusive democracy during this critical election year—was…
Taking a Stand: Strengthening Our University’s Commitment to Social and Ecological Justice
Four Arrows On June 23, 2024, William R. Groves, respected Chancellor of Antioch University, wrote the following in “Calling for Peace in Gaza and Healing at Antioch” in Antioch’s Common…
Eduardo Martinez Receives Graduate Excellence in Teaching Award
Eduardo Martinez ’83 (Antioch, MA) recently received the 2024 Graduate Excellence in Teaching Award from American Public University. The award recognizes outstanding faculty and staff members who have demonstrated excellence…
Jewish Mourning in the Present Catastrophe
Rachel Kunert-Graf (composed October 2023) The Jewish custom for burial requires that mourners shovel dirt onto the coffin ourselves. We bury our dead quickly. We join the movements of our…
8 Billion Eggs
1. Friday night we hire a sitter and go to the Hollywood Bowl to hear Sarah McLachlan play through her 30-year-old album Fumbling Towards Ecstasy. After the opener we sit for a while…
14 Stories to Celebrate Pride Month at Antioch
This June, we celebrate Pride Month by commemorating and lifting up the voices and stories of remarkable individuals whose groundbreaking efforts have forged a path forward in the ongoing struggle for LGBTQIA+ rights and visibility.
Board Hellos and Goodbyes
In early May, Antioch University’s Board of Governors unanimously elected the following five new members to the Board of Governors: Kenny Alexander, Mike Bills, Froswa’ Booker-Drew, Devorah Lieberman, and Tim…
Celebrate AAPI Heritage With Eight Antiochian Stories
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and it serves as a time to celebrate and reflect on the culture, history, achievements, and continued work of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Here at Antioch University, we take this time both to recognize the contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and to remember past injustices that our Federal, state, and local governments have perpetrated against these communities.
A Q&A With Sally Johnstone About Joining Antioch’s Board of Governors
Sally M. Johnstone has spent her career improving the quality, accessibility, and affordability of post-secondary education for adults. She helped design and launch Western Governors University, which uses an innovative, competency-based education model that allows adult students to take advantage of the knowledge they already have to decrease the time it takes them to earn a degree.