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Professor Emerita and PsyD Alumni Publish Article

Dr. Gargi Roysircar, New England Professor Emerita, along with PsyD in Clinical Psychology alumni Dr. Tara Masseratagah ’22 (New England, PsyD), Dr. Quynh Tran ’22 (New England, PsyD), Dr. Maria Neizvestnaya ’22 (New England, PsyD), and Dr. Ashland Thompson ’19 (New England, PsyD and Clinical Adjunct Faculty), published the article “Immigrant Youth of Indian origin: Generational differences in self‐critical perfectionism” in the Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. Roysircar and her student co-authors started this community-based data collection project in 2017.

Read the abstract of the article here.