One Good Point… Steve Shaw

I’m Dr. Steve Shaw, and I provide the library support for the Graduate School of Leadership and Change. My role is to be a personal guide and mentor through our information resources, removing any barriers that I possibly can. 

An abstract cell represented as an object of dots in pink and green.

Advancing Healthcare for the Common Good with Stephanie Fox

Sitting in a lecture hall in 2007, one thing Stephanie Fox didn’t want to hear when she started studying to be a therapist was that many people leave the field after 18 months. “I experienced that as quite shocking,” she says. Just a few months into a three year program, the math wasn’t adding up to her if that was true. At the time, she wondered, “If I’m going to be in school longer than I might actually be in the field, how is this worth it?” 

A photo of David Lawrence, wearing a suit and smiling, against and gray and green background.

David Lawrence Named Dayton Public Schools Next Superintendent

“Two days ago, I made a decision to send 15,000 people home,” says David Lawrence. There was a tornado on the horizon, but still, calling off class for an entire school district was a hard decision to make. Lawrence, a graduate of the PhD in Leadership and Change program and the new superintendent of Dayton Ohio Public Schools, had to consider the impact on students, parents, and the staff that he now leads.