Four people standing in front of a poster at an event.

PsyD Students Present at Washington State Psychological Association Convention

A group of student researchers from the Seattle PsyD in Clinical Psychology presented their research at the Washington State Psychological Association Convention on October 13 and 14, 2023. They presented three posters. Two explored the topic of reproductive justice through a psychological lens. These were titled “Colonialism, Control, and Copulation: A Primer on Reproductive Justice” and “Reproductive Justice: A Phenomenological Exploration of Female Sterilization.” A third poster, “Pathways to the Therapist Paragon: A Decolonial Grounded Theory,” explored how privilege and the idea of an ideal therapist could be damaging to therapists of color and to the non-white clients of white therapists.

Dark green Antioch University seal with tree and key at center.

Antioch University Announces New Master’s Program In School Counseling

Antioch University has launched a new low-residency degree program: an MA in School Counseling. The program, which will begin in Fall 2024, is available to students living anywhere in the nation, and it aims to address the school counselor shortage by training a new generation of school counselors whose practice is rooted in social justice and antiracist principles. The program prepares students to seek licensure/certification as school counselors, and if chosen and depending on state requirements, meet the requirements for clinical licensure.

bria stare Co-Authors Article

bria stare, PhD, faculty in the New England Clinical Mental Health Counseling Department, published an article through Centers for American Indian & Alaska Native Health. The article is entitled Trickster…

Ed Droste ’22

Ed Droste ’22 (Los Angeles, MA), the well-known front man of the indie rock band Grizzly Bear, has recently embarked on a unique career change, obtaining a license as an…

Steffen Gillom ’23

Steffen Gillom ’23 (New England, PhD), president of the Windham County NAACP and a community leader, was honored at the Freedom Fund Dinner, celebrating his impressive achievements. Gillom, a Marriage…