Douglas Valdez presenting in a classroom.

Cool Course: Latinx/e Theories & Clinical Practice

Douglas Valdez grew up familiar with curandería, the traditional healing practices that his mother had learned as a child in Mexico. When he was sick, she would pull out an array of herbal tinctures and dapple his tongue with their bitter, dark liquid. When his skin got irritated, his mother spread tangerine peels on it—their aroma delicious and lingering. 

Maura Hart, A professional woman in a suit and black heels confidently speaking on a stage.

Cool Course: Rightful Presence in the Experiential Classroom

As a child in public school, Maura Hart never once felt safe in the classroom. She didn’t know exactly why. She just knew she wasn’t going to open her mouth. Today, Hart has a better understanding of classroom dynamics, one born of over 25 years working in the American education system. She’s been a classroom teacher and an educational consultant to school districts and state departments of education; currently, she is Assistant Director of Capacity Development at the University of Kansas’ SWIFT Education Center and Adjunct Faculty in Antioch University’s School of Education.

A man wearing glasses sits at a desk, focused on his computer screen.

Cool Course: 5003: Foundations in Individualized Study

If you ever talk to a student, alum, or faculty member of Antioch’s Individualized Master of Arts, there is a high likelihood that they will bring up “FDN-5003: Foundations in Individualized Study.” This course, with its alphanumeric code that sounds like something from a Sci-Fi story, is much more than just another class.

Person sitting at desk looking at a laptop. The laptop screen is full of boxes with people's faces, like an online call is happening.

Cool Course: Senior Project

“We’re not reading a book and taking a test on each chapter; we’re talking about how what you’re learning impacts your life,” says Hays Moulton, Chair of Undergraduate Studies for Antioch University’s Online programs.