Seed Field- Episode Image S2E5 32

S2E5: Through Eating, Sharing, and Studying Food We Can Build Sustainable Communities

Do you know where your food comes from? Whether it is the food we are getting at a grocery store, farmer’s market, restaurant, or our backyard, understanding the way food is produced and the larger systems it is a part of can help us fight for more sustainable and equitable access to food. Scholar and dedicated food educator Jon Garfunkel talks with guest host Mair Allen about the ways that acts like reclaiming public spaces for gardening, having conversations with local food providers, and volunteering to help to feed your community can help us understand and correct problems in the food systems we currently depend on—both locally and globally.

Antioch University log with seal on green background over ghosted tree

MAEd Students Present Capstone Projects

Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) students gathered on Thursday evening, along with faculty members, family, friends, and classmates, to present their Capstone Inquiry Projects. For these projects, students conduct original, on-the-ground…

Antioch University log with seal on green background over ghosted tree

Megan Nyberg

Megan Nyberg always knew she wanted to be a teacher. She also knew she wanted to get a master’s degree in teaching. When it came time to choose a program,…