Mitch Kusy to Present Keynote at National Conference of The Association Of Occupational Health Professionals


Mitch Kusy, PhD, Professor of Organization Learning and Development in Antioch’s Gradaute School of Leadership and Change, will be the keynote speaker at the national conference of the Association of Occupational Health Professionals, September 4 in Dallas-Ft. Worth. Kusy will co-present with Steve Wiesner, MD, former Medical Director for the Healthcare Organization, Kaiser Permanente. The title of their keynote address is, “Conducting Difficult (and Courageous) Conversations: From Avoidance to Successful Outcomes” and based on their work together in building more successful physician leaders with a focus on personal well-being, team performance, and organizational effectiveness. Conference attendees will include physicians and nurses specializing in occupational health, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and healthcare leaders.  

Kusy’s expertise spans the fields of consulting, public speaking, and academia. His extensive experience includes collaboration with numerous organizations at both national and international levels. He focuses on fostering respectful engagement, facilitating large-scale organizational transformations, and improving organizational culture for long-term success. Before his current roles, Kusy held prominent leadership positions at American Express and HealthPartners. Transitioning from the corporate world, he went on to design a doctoral program in organizational development at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis. He is also a prolific author of many influential business books, including the bestseller Why I Don’t Work Here Anymore.