Lana Hechtman Ayers ’96

When All Else Fails Book Jacket. books an papers on a table

Lana Hechtman Ayers ’96 (New England, MA in Counseling) is the author of six full-length poetry collections and is debuting three books of poetry. When All Else Fails will be published on May 15, 2023 (The Poetry Box), in July 2023, Overtures will be released (Kelsay Books), followed by The Autobiography of Rain (Fernwood Press) in August 2024.

When All Else Fails is “open-hearted and unwavering, these poems of vivid imagery navigate the reader through a lifetime—a rocky childhood, self-discoveries as a young woman, the many losses of adulthood, then finally learning to anchor one’s existence to beauty.”

To learn more about Hechtman Ayers and her upcoming releases, visit here.