Jennifer Keller ’21, ‘23

Jennifer Keller ’21, ‘23 (New England; MS, PhD) is an accomplished science teacher with 16 years of experience in sustainability initiatives. Her forthcoming research, “Forest Bathing Increases Adolescent Mental Wellbeing and Connection to Nature: A Transformative Mixed Methods Study,” is slated for publication in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Environmental Education Research, a special issue of the International Journal of Public Health Research, and Ecopsychology.

Forest bathing, rooted in Japanese tradition, is a therapeutic practice that involves immersing oneself in a natural environment, enabling individuals to deeply connect with nature while promoting relaxation and stress reduction through mindful deep breathing.

Keller, also a certified Nature and Forest Therapy guide, is dedicated to nurturing healing connections with nature, others, and oneself.

Keller recently conveyed her profound appreciation for her four-year scholarship at Antioch University, emphasizing the significance of her project. Her research centers on the intersection of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, local wisdom, and Western science as frameworks for comprehending, connecting with, and communicating about the natural world. She strongly advocates spending time outdoors due to its diverse advantages for well-being, attention, focus, and creativity.

Read more about Keller’s work here.