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Mentoring: It is at the Heart of Training!

AUNE Professors have just learned that their article, Mentoring in clinical psychology programs: Broadening and deepening, has won the 2018 Award for Most Valuable Paper on Professional Development from The Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.  The journal’s award program highlights strong contributions to the field that were published during the previous year.  This year, the article on mentoring by Drs. Lorraine Mangione, Kathi Borden, and Kate Evarts of Antioch, along with colleagues Dr. Lavita Nadkarni and Kelsey Hyde from the University of Denver, was chosen for this honor. The article will be cited in an awards article later this year in that journal.  Given all the great research that is produced in psychology, this was a real honor and tribute to Antioch’s work on mentoring and to the importance we place on mentoring in our program.  Notably, conducting this research, from the beginning to the end, was a mentoring and very relational experience for the research team.

The citation for the mentoring article is:

Mangione, L., Borden, K. A., Nadkarni, L., Evarts, K., & Hyde, K. (2018). Mentoring in clinical psychology programs: Broadening and deepening. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 12(1), 4-13.