LauraLynn Jansen

Dissertation Watch: Mokṣa, Seeking a Humanizing Way of Being

LauraLynn Jansen, a 2023 graduate of the PhD Program in Leadership and Change, published her dissertation, titled “Mokṣa, Seeking a Humanizing Way of Being: I am Recognized. I am Acknowledged. I am Human.

By using the critical incident technique, Jansen’s study sought to understand the intricacies of the humanization process or how individuals perceive and internalize their existence as human beings. This was done through a lens of affirmative inclusivity while analyzing the experiences of a highly diverse group of individuals living with varying social stigmas and their experience with humanization. 

Several key findings emerged from this study, one of which is the role of somatic cueing within the humanizing process. Another is that the unveiling of the humanizing process is not unidirectional. Moreover, the research highlights how genuine acknowledgment is significant in shaping a humanizing encounter. 

Some of the findings resonated with extant literature emphasizing the importance of personal awareness and self-reflection, along with the role of real-time implementation between individuals. As a result, the research advocates for proactive measures that extend beyond theoretical understanding. 

For Jansen, this dissertation topic relates to her extensive background in humanizing leadership. She has a background in Co-Active coaching and leadership that spans nearly twenty-five years. She is a Fetzer scholar and a fellow of the International Humanistic Management Association, and she has also received the prestigious Academy of Management’s 2023 Promising Dissertation Award. 

Learn more about Jansen and read her dissertation, Mokṣa, Seeking a Humanizing Way of Being: I am Recognized. I am Acknowledged. I am Human here.