Elana Haviv, PhD, a 2023 graduate of the PhD in Leadership and Change, has published her dissertation entitled Learning from the Courageous Actions of War and Post-War Time Teachers: A Bricolage of Bosnian Educators.
Towards an Ecosystem of Youth Leadership Development | Dissertation Watch
Dr. Trisha Swed, a recent alum of the PhD in Leadership and Change, has published her dissertation entitled, Towards an Ecosystem of Youth Leadership Development.
Being and Becoming Across Difference | Dissertation Watch
Dr. Jane Feinberg, PhD in Leadership and Change alum, published her dissertation titled, Being and Becoming Across Difference: A Grounded Theory Study of Exemplary White Teachers in Racially Diverse Classrooms. The purpose of…
Latinx Undergraduates’ Participation in High-Impact Educational Practices | Dissertation Watch
Dr. Sarah Villarreal, PhD in Leadership and Change alum, published her dissertation titled, A Narrative Inquiry of Latinx Undergraduates’ Participation in High-Impact Educational Practices. There are systematic barriers to educational equity in the…
Exploring the Career Advancement Experience of Black Women on Their Journey to Executive Levels | Dissertation Watch
Dr. Pamela Viscione, PhD in Leadership and Change alum, published her dissertation titled, Exploring the Career Advancement Experience of Black Women on Their Journey to Executive Levels in Large American Corporations. Corporations began…
Education for Citizenship | Dissertation Watch
Dr. Félix José Alonso, PhD in Leadership and Change alum, published his dissertation titled, Education for Citizenship: A Study of the Effects of Cocurricular Student Philanthropy Education on Prosocial Behavior….
Crucial Connections for Organizational Success | Dissertation Watch
Dr. Rosalind Cohen, PhD in Leadership and Change alumna, published her dissertation titled, The Relationships between Dimensions of Inclusive Leadership and Aspects of Employee Engagement: Crucial Connections for Organizational Success. In light of…
GSLC Alumna Publishes Dissertation on Change in Complex Regulatory Systems
Dr. Kathy Hoffman, PhD in Leadership and Change alumna, published her dissertation titled, Toward Socially Equitable Conditions: Change in Complex Regulatory Systems. The purpose of this qualitative participatory action research was to…
GSLC Alumna Publishes Dissertation on Sensemaking and Sensegiving of Organizational Change
Dr. Sara Barry, PhD in Leadership and Change alumna, published her dissertation entitled, Locating Uncertainty in Hospital Leader Sensemaking and Sensegiving of Organizational Change: A Single Case Study. Leaders planning strategic change face…
Examining Social Marketing’s Institutionalization within Environmental Contexts | Dissertation Watch
Dr. Liz Foote, PhD in Environmental Studies alum, published her dissertation titled, The Diffusion of a Discipline: Examining Social Marketing’s Institutionalization within Environmental Contexts. As a social change discipline, social marketing has demonstrated…
GSLC Alumna Publishes Dissertation on How Bosses Should Lead
Dr. Bonnie Curtis, PhD in Leadership and Change alumna, published her dissertation entitled, How Should Bosses Lead? New Revelations from Frontline Managers. The aim of this grounded theory study was to…
Exploring the Impacts of an Exotic Pathogen on Forest Composition and Succession | Dissertation Watch
Janine Marr, a 2021 graduate of the PhD in Environmental Studies at Antioch University’s New England Campus, has written and published her dissertation titled, White Pine Blister Rust Distribution in…