Antiochians Past and Present Shine at the 2019 APA Convention in Chicago

We were so pleased to see a number of our students and faculty involved in presenting at this year’s American Psychological Association Annual Convention in the great city of Chicago.  Please see below for the very relevant and creative work they are doing.  And given that APA is a huge convention with thousands of attendees, it was wonderful seeing some of our own there and going to their events as it was a real joy to visit with everyone.

Carmela DeCandia, PsyD ’99 presented An Ecological Perspective to Screening Young Children for Risk and Resilience (DeCandia, Unick, Volk, 2019) at Division 37: Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice.

Laetitia Geoffroy-Dallery, PsyD ’18 presented at a poster session sponsored by Division 1: Society for General Psychology. She also presented at a paper reading session sponsored by Division 24: Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.

Lorraine Mangione, fifth year students Michael Goddard, Sarajane Rodgers, Dana Vitrano, and Jen Carey, and discussant Dr. Virginia Brabender presented Group Therapy and Training across the Lifespan—What Clients Gain, What Students Learn, sponsored by Division 49: Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy.  Thanks to Erin McKenney for helping them out at the convention!

Lorraine Mangione, Kathi Borden, and fourth year student Elizabeth Fuss presented Why Hire Older Women? Passion and Commitment! at a roundtable on Intersectional Feminist Issues, sponsored by Division 35: Society for the Psychology of Women.

Kevin O’Leary, PsyD ’17 presented An Exploration of Service Member’s Perceptions of Civilian and Military Therapists at a skill-building session, Military Culture for Non-Military Psychologists, with Division/Sponsor: CPG-Central Programming Group; Co-List: 19, 12, 14, 17, 18, 55, 56.

Gargi Roysircar, Professor Emerita, holds her citation for the 2019 APA International Humanitarian Award at the APA Annual Convention in Chicago. She is celebrating with, from left, Ashland Thompson (anticipated) PsyD ’19, Bola Afolayan PsyD ’15, Allyssa Lanza, PsyD ’14, Sarajane Rodgers, 5th yr. PsyD, and Nicole Spanakis, PsyD ’07. Dr. Allyssa Lanza introduced Gargi Roysircar at her APA invited talk, Globalization’s Impact on the Psychologist’s Self-Definition, Purpose, Role, and Function.

Gargi Roysircar, Professor Emerita, and Ashland Thomson (anticipated PsyD ’19), receiving at the APA Annual Conference from Div 35 Psychology of Women the 2019 Psychotherapy with Women Research Award for their paper, Trauma Coping of Mothers and Children among the Poor in Haiti: Mixed Methods Study of Community-Level Research. Gargi and Ashland also presented at a symposium entitled Experience Learned and Lessons Learned in International Work: Divisional and Individual Efforts. Gargi also presented on the Collision of Social Justice Concerns with Scientific Research Concerns at the Susan Morrow Symposium on Social Justice.