GSLC Alumni and Friends Continue to Give Back

The Graduate School of Leadership and Change is grateful to report that in just the past six months we have garnered nearly $30,000 in cash, pledge, and recurring commitments from over 50 alumni and friends that have dedicated their support solely to scholarship fundraising that will directly benefit students of the PhD in Leadership and Change program

That said, let’s share a bit of context. Since our first donations back in 2009 to today, the GSLC has raised well over a million dollars in scholarships and research funds for our PhD students. Over 43% of our alumni have been or are currently donors. Over forty percent!!! The average across higher ed is closer to 8% unless you’re Harvard, or Yale, or apparently Antioch’s PhD in Leadership and Change program.

What a powerful statement of connection and commitment.  

There’s more.  We have distributed over 250 awards to students since 2009.  We are deeply appreciative that we have been able to help so many students achieve their PhD goals.  We know it makes a difference.

This year we made a special appeal to focus giving toward GSLC’s Student Engagement Fund, established by Cohort 17, to support students’ fullest engagement at onsite residencies by helping with lodging, food, or whatever else a student might need. Over 50% of Cohort 17 donated to this particular effort is awe inspiring to say the least!

If you haven’t shared a contribution yet this year and would like to, please visit Every bit of giving back makes an impact!