A diverse group of individuals standing in front of a large screen displaying the words "Academy of Management."

Academy of Management Welcomes GSLC Reps

Boston, Massachusetts, was beautiful and vibrant for the 84th Academy of Management Conference (AOM) this year. This year’s Academy of Management conference theme, Putting the Worker Front and Center, reminds us that global shifts in the geopolitical, environmental, demographic, and technological landscape are introducing unprecedented uncertainty into labor markets and employment relations. This 2023 theme calls for our community to rebalance our attention and pivot towards those at the very core of productive enterprise, namely the workers.

We had a good representation of students from multiple cohorts at the conference, and we managed to find time to sit and chat with each other about life, advocacy, and leadership. It was wonderful seeing our Antiochians involved and participating in the conference. From research papers steep in quantitative methodology to storytelling sessions, Antiochians were present.  It is clear that our students and alumni enjoyed AOM in multiple ways. The community created in cohorts and across cohorts was powerfully displayed in how our tribe takes care of each other. 

Dr. Lauralynn Jansen received The Dissertation Proposal Award from the Management, Spirituality, and Religion (MSRA) affiliation of AOM at the conference. Renee Bradford (Cohort 17) was also elected to be an officer in the Management, Spirituality, and Religion affiliation. 

We are very much looking forward to the 2024 conference!


“Happy to have this included. I have been to AOM before but having members of my Antioch family there made it a more edifying experience. Attending sessions facilitated by Lem, Renee, and Elana Haviv (who was also at AOM although not in the photo) was outstanding and reminded me of the power of the scholarship being produced by current students, faculty and graduates. I do not always feel at home at AOM, but this year I felt more included and at peace. Hope to see more of us represented in the future.”

Katie Lampley

“The experience was amazing for me; connecting with our Antioch Family  and engaging with other scholars and academics was affirming and supportive in many ways!”

Techa Smalls-Brown

By Dr. Lemuel Watson