Dean’s Column

I took a moment to look back in time. The first issue of the Antiochian Leader was in the Summer of 2002, 22 years ago. It was a simple Word doc. Five pages long, 12 pt. font. We had just brought in Cohort 2, and proudly boasted a total of 32 students, four faculty, and a windowless office on the campus of Antioch College. My opening words of that issue were, “From just a gleam in our eyes less than a year ago…”.

And here we are, Winter 2024. 22 years later. That gleam has turned into nine full time faculty, 150 active students, and 350 alumni. And, counting an average of two newsletters a year, we’ve published close to 40 issues. Now, we have compelling graphics and beautiful photos that tell stories, updates on community members, and highlights about the Graduate School. Every one of you has given it your all, and we have created something amazing.

Years pass. Students move on. Faculty and staff retire. But our mission and purpose hasn’t changed. We are here to educate and train scholar-practitioners to be bold public voices for justice, democracy, and the common good. I couldn’t be prouder. And our voices couldn’t be more needed.    With an 80% graduation rate, we can boast hundreds of those voices challenging unjust systems and working for the common good around the world.

In this issue’s pages, you’ll have greetings from the new Associate Dean/PhD Director, and you’ll learn more about our presence at the International Leadership Association. You’ll have a chance to hear about our powerful learning community, going strong and getting stronger. You’ll see that even as alumni, we stay together and work together. Having a 43% alumni giving rate can’t be beaten and tells me you all care about your doctoral experience and want others to have that experience, too.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you all. I want to wish you all a coming year of peace, justice, and joy. And while I seriously mean those words, given what has been happening in recent months, they somehow feel like they ring hollow.   We have to keep hoping for that better world and do our own parts – large and small – to bring it to fruition.

I hope you enjoy this issue,
