Techa L. Smalls-Brown Appointed Director of the College of Charleston’s Sisters of Septima Program

Techa L. Smalls-Brown, PhD in Leadership and Change student, has been named Director of the College of Charleston’s Sisters of Septima Program. The Sisters of Septima (SOS) is a new initiative in the School of Education named after educational and Civil Rights trailblazer, Septima P. Clark. The teacher leadership development program, which just formed its inaugural cohort, is designed to support the growth and advancement of women of color majoring in Teacher Education by providing access to tuition assistance to address financial needs, access to expert mentors, and specially curated texts focusing on teachers of color and culturally aligned teachings, among other supports. 

Techa Smalls-Brown has two decades of experience in K-12 education, she is certified in special education and has taught students with disabilities and African American Studies at the secondary level. She is endorsed in Gifted and Talented Education and credentialed in EL I and EL 2 Montessori. In addition to directing The Sisters of Septima program, she teaches first-year students and supervises education interns in their clinical practice internship at the College of Charleston School of Education. 

Learn more about the Sisters of Septima program.