Tim Staub, a student in the PhD in Leadership and Change program, and Aqeel Tirmizi, PhD, Professor of Leadership and Organizational Practice, have published an article titled: “Navigating Emerging Climate Crises Through Adaptive Polycentric Meta-networks” in The Humanistic Management Journal.
Urgent large-scale approaches are needed to advocate for citizens and fight the climate crisis. Staub and Tirmizi highlight a solution to address the climate crisis drawing on key insights from polycentricity, complexity leadership, and meta-networks. They share a framework that aligns with the dynamics of collective mindfulness and practical wisdom to facilitate cross-sector and global collaborations, across cultures and spiritual practices, to achieve the climate change goals at a macro scale.
This research offers a conceptual and practical pathway to tackle the complex dynamics of climate change and to generate the needed collective sensemaking and awareness. This article contributes to a growing body of literature on the environment that engages and aligns collective leadership at global, national, regional, and local levels and across governments, NGOs, and corporate interests.