Owen George

Owen George smiling outside in the winter

Owen George, an MS in Environmental Studies, Advocacy for Social Justice and Sustainability program student, published the article “Climate Solutions Need Queerness” in Yes! Magazine.

The article educates readers on the power and plurality of nature through the application of queer ecology, which finds its origins in the overlap of queer theory and ecology.

“Queer ecology embraces the expanse of the possible and the liberation from categories. It centers the innumerable, dynamic relationships between all things, in ways that society’s binaries and categories can’t comprehend. We need queer ecology to inform environmental policy going forward, as it brings holistic ideas and decolonial frameworks that can work synergistically to ensure a just transition.”

Owen George, Yes! Magazine

Owen is an activist, athlete, traveler, and outdoor enthusiast. Their current work focuses on queer ecology and equal access for trans athletes. 

Read the full article here.