Meghan Wilson Duff ’06

Meghan Wilson Duff ’06 (New England, PsyD) will have their first picture book, How Are You, Verity?, illustrated by Taylor Barron and released by Magination Press in August 2023.

Verity, a neurodivergent kid, is bubbling with excitement about an upcoming school field trip to the aquarium. When neighbors ask, “How are you?” Verity shares their excitement and facts about sea animals. Their older brother John suggests that people who ask might not be expecting to learn all about sea animals. Verity plans an experiment to find out if their brother is right. But when their trip to the aquarium is canceled, Verity is heartbroken. When their brother asks “How are you, Verity?” what’s the right answer?

When Duff was younger they wanted to be a marine biologist, but somewhere along the way, they got distracted trying to figure out people and decided to study them. After becoming a clinical psychologist, they worked as a child and family mental health therapist and adolescent addiction treatment provider. Currently, Duff is Teaching Faculty in the Psychology & Community Studies program at the University of Maine at Machias.

Learn more about Duff on their website here.