Kelly Cerialo ‘21

Kelly Cerialo smiling  wearing a dark suit/
Kelly L. Cerialo

Kelly Cerialo ‘21 (GSLC, PhD) recently co-chaired a responsible tourism workshop at EuroMAB, a biennial conference hosted by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization in Nockberge, Austria. Cerialo is Associate Professor and Program Coordinator in the Business and Hospitality Department at Paul Smith’s College. She specializes in the social impacts of tourism in protected areas, tourism in UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, UNESCO Biosphere Reserves governance and management, recreation overuse, youth leadership mentoring in sustainable communities, and cross-cultural communication. (To learn more about Ecotourism, read the Common Thread article Envisioning Justice in Ecotourism, which features Cerialo and PhD in Leadership and Change alum Dr. Amy Lethbridge.

Read more about Cerialo and her dissertation, The Social Impacts of Tourism in the UNESCO Champlain Adirondack Biosphere Reserve (USA), here.