Megan Normandin

Teacher Professional Dialogue for Justice-Oriented Practice | Dissertation Watch

Megan Normandin, in fulfilling the requirements of the EdD in Educational and Professional Practice at Antioch University’s online campus, has written and published a dissertation titled, Teacher Professional Dialogue for Justice-Oriented Practice: A Qualitative Action Research Study.

For her dissertation, Normandin used qualitative action research to study a group of secondary English teachers in a collective inquiry to determine the best model for transformative teacher reflexivity and dialogue. Through solution-focused conversation, the goal was to design a sustainable framework for professional development that fosters creative, just, and compassionate instruction. 

The study explored the question: What is an effective structure for sustained reflective dialogue among teachers in a comprehensive public high school? The research model provided the context for a cyclical process of reflection, discovery, and growth. Findings will form a blueprint for future professional development at the research site and a model for professional teacher dialogue that may be replicated at other sites.

As an experienced educator, Normandin has a history of working in educational leadership and practice with curriculum development, critical literacy, English as a second language, youth development, coaching, teacher education, and classroom management. Normandin is a compassionate education professional with a Master of Arts in English Language and Literature from Fitchburg State University.

Read and download Normandin’s dissertation, Teacher Professional Dialogue for Justice-Oriented Practice: A Qualitative Action Research Study, here.