MAEd Students Present Capstone Projects

Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) students gathered on Thursday evening, along with faculty members, family, friends, and classmates, to present their Capstone Inquiry Projects. For these projects, students conduct original, on-the-ground research over the course of three quarters and their presentations were therefore the culmination of hundreds of hours of hard work and perseverance. Students’ topics represented a wide range of educational issues, including: incorporating neuroscience and play therapy into education, belongingness and risk in middle school drama education, benefits and barriers of school gardens, and the impact of the turbulent socio-political atmosphere on the education system in Egypt.

The presentations inspired deep conversations about issues of educational equity and the importance of facilitating pedagogical experiences that respond to the needs and honor the assets of all students. The students who presented their work will soon be graduating and moving on to fulfilling careers in the field of education. The presenters demonstrated a commitment to justice, equity, creativity, and supporting the unique needs of all learners.