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The March 2019 AUS PsyD Newsletter is Here

The Winter 2019 edition of the AUS PsyD in Clinical Psychology quarterly departmental newsletter was published this March. The newsletter opens with an in-depth faculty profile interview with Dr. Chris Heffner, talking about his time as a graduate student, his love of travel, his professional interest in positive psychology, his faculty position at Antioch, and more. Following this profile, the newsletter provides readers with a handy list of upcoming psychology conferences and their proposal submission deadlines.

Next, the newsletter offers a summary of the recent AUS “Dungeons, Dragons, & Psychology” event, with Take This Project founder Dr. Raffael Bocamazzo. After that section, the newsletter takes time to celebrate Dr. Jude Bergkamp’s recent NCSPP: Diversity Award, by way of an interview with Dr. Bergkamp. Similarly, the newsletter then celebrates Dr. Bergkamp’s 2018 AUS Commencement Ceremony keynote speech, and the AUS Distinguished Alumni Award he was given during that same ceremony.

The next part of the newsletter provides a list of AUS PsyD student presentations that have been accepted into the national 2019 American Psychological Association Convention. Congratulations, students!

Following this, the newsletter provides brief summaries of the winter quarter PsyD department community meetings. Topics include “Serving the military client population as a civilian psychologist,” “Forensic mental health practice,” and more.

After those meeting summaries, the newsletter tells the story of Dr. Bergkamp and Kelle Agassiz’s travel to San Diego, California “to better understand how Operation Streamline functions and the impact it has on all aspects of the criminal justice system.” The newsletter introduces the program by saying “Operation Streamline began in 2005, with a zero-tolerance approach which permitted Border Patrol to refer 100 percent of apprehended migrants for prosecution.” This one-page article also includes revelations about the human quality-of-life impacts created by the program, such as “Interviews conducted with defendants exposed the disturbing reality about the confinement conditions in which these individuals are held during the Streamline process.” It is a complicated topic, and worth reading in the newsletter in full.

Finally, the newsletter comes to a close by providing the titles and abstracts to three PsyD dissertation defenses that took place in December 2018.

Read the full Winter 2019 PsyD Community Newsletter in PDF format here.