"What the Psychic Said" book cover

Four Antiochian Poet Laureates

When Grace Cavalieri taught at Antioch-Columbia in the early ’70s, it was a heady time to be a poet, and to be a part of Antioch. This campus—centered in the newly-opened, planned community of Columbia, situated between Baltimore and Washington, DC—had been proposed in 1969 and opened its doors in 1970…

Seedfield S2E3- Victoria Chang

S2E3: Envisioning a Writing World Full of Good Literary Citizens with Victoria Chang

generosity, and mutual aid are regular features. In both her life as a writer and in her role as chair of Antioch’s Creative Writing MFA program, Victoria embodies these qualities, which together she calls “literary citizenship.” And she inspires her students to do the same. In this conversation we explore what being a good literary citizen means to Victoria, how this ethos has influenced her own work and career, and how building a more inclusive writing community benefits everyone.

"Giving Grief Meaning" Author photo

Giving Grief Meaning

andrew d . lachman On the night of July 29, 2009, “all semblance of order ceased” for Lily Dulan ’03, ’06 (Antioch Los Angeles, MFA in Creative Writing and MA…

Consuelo Flores

Consuelo Flores ’06 ’08 (Los Angeles, BA, MFA) was featured by the Los Angeles Times in a cover story about the Chicano Moratorium and its vast 1970 march that ended…