Christopher Key ‘94

Report on Planetbase D73 A Novel of Hope Book JacketChristopher Key ‘94 (Seattle, BA) published his first novel, Report on Planetbase D73: A Novel of Hope, a science fiction story based on a computer game. It is subtitled A Novel of Hope because it assumes that the human race will survive its current existential crises.

“I was a journalist most of my working life and never thought I could write book-length fiction, but writing courses at Antioch and elsewhere always taught ‘write what you know,’ so I did,” said Key.  “The characters have taken over to the point that I have finished a sequel, which should be published soon and I am deep into the third book. Antioch gave me the confidence in my writing that led to this. Better late than never, eh?”

Report on Planetbase D73: A Novel of Hope has been chosen for the 2022 North Shore Authors Collection.