Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month is upon us. On one hand, this month is an opportunity to remember the history, pain, and joy experienced by both communities. However, on the other hand, quite often, it feels as though the “Pacific Islander” part of the acronym is a forgotten add-on.
Trans Visibility, Now More Important (And Costly) Than Ever
Y’all… I’m so tired. In previous years, International Transgender Day of Visibility has been a joyous and proud occasion for me. My gender identity, as I now see it, has been my truth for nearly a decade, and my deliberate decision to live openly and honor that identity in my expression followed shortly after.
International Day of Forests
“If you love a tree, you will be more beautiful than before!” – Amit Ray.
This year, the theme for the International Day of Forests, “Forests and Health,” is an invitation and an opportunity to reflect on what these expansive ecosystems do for us and how we can, in turn, serve them through conservation, species preservation, mindful nutrition, and ecological awareness.
The Transformative Power of Youth Arts Programs
Laurel Butler Like so many of us, my mental health as a teenager was… not great. At the time, I thought it was an individual problem – what’s wrong with…
National Eating Disorder Awareness Week
Cori Rosenthal It is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, and while eating disorders impact people of all ages, races, genders, and socio-economic statuses, I am focused on children this year….
An Introvert’s Journey in a Workplace Surrounded by Extroverts
Majella Pinto A Myers-Briggs personality test I took, right after I did NOT get the promotion, clearly showed that I was an introvert. The majority of my colleagues were extroverts…
The Quiet Revolution: How Introverts Change the World
Isabelle Kluge I am a proud introvert who is always growing in self-awareness and learning to empower myself in a noisy world of extroverts. In this essay, I will address…
Happy Children’s Day
Katlyn boucher On this day, we celebrate children, the magic of childhood, perhaps reminisce about our own, and hopefully reflect on the kind of world children are living in now….
The Need to Ensure Everyone has Access to Water
larry bingaman Water is one of the most basic human needs and should be something everyone can have access to. However, reliable, high-quality water service is not guaranteed. Epic drought,…
Heridas Invisibles (Invisible Wounds)
Lizbeth Duran Oden As I start my journey towards a doctoral degree, I am coming face to face with my experience living in a white supremacist society through the curriculum…
Holistic Ways of Healing
MARILYN MUSTERAIT Ever since I was little, my Grand Uncle, an honorary member of the Tonkawa Tribe, would visit my family from Oklahoma, and tell us stories of tradition and…
Homage to our Everyday Hispanic Heroes
JUSTINA GARCIA A recent review of the history of Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM) brought this national celebration surprisingly close to home for me. I’m encouraged by the ways in which…