A header image that says, "Antioch Voices" in a speech bubble coming from a statue of Horace Mann, wearing around his neck a sign that reads, "Make Humanity Great Again."

What Would Horace Do?

On one of my first trips to Yellow Springs back in the mid-90s, I purchased a t-shirt at Antioch College’s funky campus bookstore. Printed in big bold letters on the front it…

Aqeel-Tirmizi,-PhD Antioch Voices

Reclaiming Deliberative Democracy

Aqeel Tirmizi, PhD “We have to choose between dialogue and utter devastation.”— Aung San Suu Kyi While the basic idea of democracy is generally understood, to set the stage for…

Antioch Voices, Rachel Kunert Graf

Jewish Mourning in the Present Catastrophe

Rachel Kunert-Graf (composed October 2023) The Jewish custom for burial requires that mourners shovel dirt onto the coffin ourselves. We bury our dead quickly. We join the movements of our…

Antioch Voices: Jasper Nighthawk

8 Billion Eggs

1.   Friday night we hire a sitter and go to the Hollywood Bowl to hear Sarah McLachlan play through her 30-year-old album Fumbling Towards Ecstasy. After the opener we sit for a while…

Antioch Voices- Grace Ward

On Marigolds: Untold Stories For International Romani Day

When I was eleven years old, my paternal grandmother took me to the supermarket to buy a push-up bra, a rotisserie chicken, and introduce me to my culture—my “birthright” as she called it.

She said to me, “Now that you’re older, Gracie m’dear, people are going to start caring about what you have to say about our people. People are going to start asking you questions. It’s important to me that you don’t get it wrong.”

Stefanie Paredes, Antioch Voices

To Be a Writer With Grief

Antioch Voices is a forum that allows members of our community to speak about an issue important to them. In this piece, coinciding with Gallbladder Cancer and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness Month, MFA student Stefanie Paredes considers what it means to be a writer with grief.

Antioch Voices- Nik Castle

International Day of Tolerance

Declared a holiday by UNESCO in 1996, the International Day for Tolerance commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of a Declaration of Principles on Tolerance by United Nations Member States on November 16, 1995. The UN declared 1995 as the Year for Tolerance…