Theo Burnes and Co-Authors Publish Article in Counseling Psychology Quarterly
Faculty in the MA in Clinical Psychology Theo Burnes, PhD, MSEd, HSPP, LPCC, along with Debra Mollen, Samantha Lee, and Dena M. Abbott, has a recently published article in Counselling Psychology Quarterly. …
Jude Bergkamp Awarded Diversity Scholarship to Attend NCSPP Conference in 2019
Jude Bergkamp, program chair and core faculty in the Clinical Psychology Doctorate Program at Antioch University Seattle, was recently awarded the diversity scholarship to attend The National Council of Schools…
Students Invited to Present Original Research at the Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research
The Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR) is an annual celebration of excellence in undergraduate research, held this year held at Pasadena City College. Four AULA undergraduate students (pictured…